
Has anyone lately said something unexpected, "You look good today! I appreciate you because....., You have inspired me, I am proud of you... etc, etc". These things are Verbal Hugs.... something a friend, family member or even a stranger randomly says to you that makes you smile, feel warm, comforted, happy, even at peace! Verbal Hugs are powerful! They can change how someone views their day! You can go from feeling like the world is out to get you... to being hopeful or at the very least optimistic!  So I ask you.... have you given someone or yourself a Verbal Hug today?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday happy dance

Picture from: http://images.paraorkut.com/img/pics/animations/s/smile_its_friday-1208.gif

Okay it is finally Friday! Now since I am off work because of my health issues--do I get to celebrate this little fact? Heck yeah! It is part of my get positive, get motivated, find some joy and happiness in my life so I can get a grip on my depression!   So, even though I haven't had much sleep--it is time for the Friday Happy Dance!   Thanks to Youtube, I found several options, and the winner for today is:

Friday Dance 

The really funny thing about this is that the TV station this if from is in Cincinnati! Which is where my family lives! I wonder if they watch this every Friday! Probably not--I think they do it pretty early! LOL  Enjoy this one! I got a kick out of when they do the 'sprinkler'/

Night Owl--thats me!!!

Picture from: http://dryicons.com/files/graphics_previews/the_night_owl.jpg

Well, it is 2:20 in the morning! Obviously my new sleeping medicine isn't working! Darn I was hoping it would--it was so darn cheap! But no, it isn't Lunesta with the $$$$ price tag! So here I am, I have a few Lunesta left but now I am thinking it is too late to take it! I just hope eventually I will fall asleep, last tim I didn't take it I was up until 4:00...... here is hoping it doesn't take that long! It's so late even my cat Quincy has given up on me sleeping and went to sleep with Beth! 

While I have been up, I finished reading my book! I ordered myself a FREE 8x10 collage picture from Walgreens (info on the from previous post!) . I can't wait to pick it up tomorrow! I also downloaded a free Turkish music album--wasn't bad if I do say so myself! I guess since I am up, I can go peruse what other goodies are listed on that website! I am so proud of myself--I love freebies, discounts and coupons! See--something else that gives me joy! Update: I am going to pick up one of my "surprises" for William tomorrow! I hope it is in good condition, you never can tell from the picture! Most of the time I have good experiences--I have only had one, the Lemon of an Chalkboard/Dry Erase art easel-----it was in such poor shape I couldn't give it as a gift but i thought I could at least use it for pictionary so I picked up some dry erase markers! Even when you wipe it off, the print doesn't totally come off! Trash can here it comes! Now, I definitely inspect and say "not what I was expecting". At least that is what I tell myself, I haven't had any experiences with that part since then.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Picture from: http://i317.photobucket.com/albums/mm379/tagx/cat/good-night/nighty-night-kitty.gif

Well, it is after nine and I have had a full day, I volunteered, blogged, went to Starbucks, Petsmart, Gamestop, surfed Craigslist (not a good idea) and read some!  I ordered something for my bud William (aka my Great-nephew) and them I found some 'interesting items' on Craigslist. I inquired about them --cross Fingers that one or two are available!  Lisa--if they come through they will go nicely with his toy Kitchen! (BIG SMILE!!!!)

I traded in a game at Gamestop for Press Your Luck, I am not sure how long I will keep it--but it was fun for now! It was just like when they had that game at the boat! I kept getting Whammies and lost! Beth played and got like 142,000 fake dollars--how does that happen! Hmm, I definitely need to listen to the Secret CD in the car some more I an not exuding the Positive vibes enough! 

Things I learned today:
1. If you go to Starbucks and get a generic coffee and you have a gift card (you can load it with like $5.00) you can get free internet and your refills on the coffee are free if you show your card (instead of .50 cents). I had a gift card courtesy of Beth, so I was very happy to find this tidbit out! It was sooo nice of the clerk to tell me that! The best part was the first time I went there I got a small cup of coffee! Well when the guy gave me my decaf refill he gave me the Venti sized cup! So, if you want to get out of your house for awhile....you can do what I did today--pop up to the Starbucks with the laptop, play online for a couple of hours and get a free refill or two! Yeah! 

2. Continuing my quest for free stuff, I typed in Free Stuff St Louis! I found this article on this lady who does a lot of Free Stuff surfing and puts it on her website! I got some free music downloads from Amazon! Check it out: 

Check it out!

Well I am going to try some of those coupons and then head to bed!


Let the Sunshine in!

It's Thursday-- I am sitting at Starbucks, drinking a very yummy, ice mocha frappuccino and a Chocolate Chip scone!   I just finished working with Mary Lou at MPA putting gift certificates on wine bottles for the MPA gala.  Today, I guess I got as close as I am going to get in touch with my inner Martha Stewart, I color coordinated envelopes, and ribbons to the wine bottles and then curled the ribbons! Turned out very festive (if I do say so myself) but Mary Lou and I had a few good laughs over me learning the 'process' of doing it! (yes, there is a process LOL).  By the end I think me and Martha were buds (LOL), at least for an hour or two, I don't see ribbons and bows around my house anytime soon! Last week I helped with baskets---I draw the line at cooking though! If they ask me to cook or bake I am out of there! LOLOL

Hmm, my thought for today is "Let the Sunshine in" you know,

So let the sun shine in
face it with a grin.
Smilers never lose
and frowners never win.
So le the sun shine in
face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in. 

 Do you remember when Pebbles and Bamm Bamm sang it? You know the Flinstones, well thanks to Youtube-- I got it.
Pebbles and Bamm Bamm 

That was the first popped into my head this morning when I sat down to blog!  I am trying to get in touch with my positive side!  Allowing myself to be happy! I know this should be a given but I am quite a Ebenezeer Scrooge when it comes to doling out the happy vibes and expression of joy.  It is like I have to counter balance it with feelings of guilt! Weird I know but I am "in progress" mode!   So, today I am "Letting the Sunshine in". All happy thoughts! 
Things that have brought me joy in the last 24 hours!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Energized--or just lack of sleep?

Well, it is hmm 7:13 and I have been busy (as a Beaver?) ! I have done dishes, ate breakfast, brushed, FLOSSED my teeth (I can't remember the last time I did that) and I used my new mouthwash! Now I haven't used mouthwash in awhile but this Listerine 6-in  1 Cinnamon was pretty good it didn't taste awful and it left my mouth all tingly (in a pleasant way).  It made me smile--yesterday a CVS bag, today new Mouthwash! Yeah!!! Happy Thoughts!   I played with the cats for awhile with the little laser light now they are all sleeping and being L-A-Z-Y.  Even Quincy is sleeping on a blanket instead of trying to sleep on me when I type! I ate Oatmeal (Beth made it), the original kind not the instant where it actually looks "Oaty".

Internal Tug of War

Happy Wednesday!

Well it is 2:46 a.m. and I have ben up about for about 30-40 minutes.  I couldn't sleep, the mind was a bit busy--all those discombobulated thoughts! I have been negative the last few days, very hard on myself, feeling guilty about being off work! Yesterday, I went to  the therapist and cried--I hadn't planned on crying--it just came out! Then the psychiatrist and more tears! She upped a med, and told me not to be too hard on myself.  Advised me that I needed to get some sort of routine to add structure to my life to. Structure--some structure! Yes! I do need that! So I have a week to develop a morning routine or something to get me going!  After I got out of the shrink I went to Borders and ate a big cookie and White Chocolate Mocha and read a book.  I went to CVS and bought candy for Beth, mouthwash, more toothpaste (because it was on-sale again and I think I am starting a collection), and the cutest mesh tote for CVS--you know the kind you use instead of plastic! Not sure why it made me smile but it did! Has a nice size handle like you can carry like a purse! Going to use it the next time I go shopping at Soulard!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Zen Moment

picture by Beth Meirath

Today is Monday! Lots of interesting thoughts running amuck in my noggin this morning! Today is a day for change! Last week was tough--a lot of ruminating, depression was heavy and I didn't seem to have the where-with-all to combat it! But that was then--this is TODAY.

I could talk about yesterday--that church was uplifting-Pastor Betsy was amazing!  It was just what I needed to hear--my heart opened a little more towards God, I felt a greater sense of community--connected with something greater than myself! And that feels pretty great! 

I could talk about the fabulous breakfast and the great conversation Beth and I shared with Karen, Carol, Tracy and Adam and the Eleventh Hour Bar/Restaurant! 

I could talk about the amount of satisfaction Beth I got from completing 95% of the card project ( need more cardstock!) for MPA!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Morning Surprise

Just a brief note as I take a shower to dash off to church! After a horrible night of sleep (couldn't get to bed/nightmare when I did), I woke up to the phone ringing at 8 a.m.  This set me into an immediate panic of who is sick, no one calls that early on a Sunday! My heart is still beating fast Lisa!!!!  All I can say is you better make the Taco Soup sick you aged me a few years by calling that early! (LOL). Well, then I looked down at my foot and noticed it had definitely turned into a cankle (calf/ankle have become one), so off I went to do the thing most dreaded----I found the scary scale! Mine isn't as funny as the one above with the animals! I wasn't happy with the results at all! I was up 3 lbs--though truthfully I thought it would be worse considering the way I have been eating! Definitely in the water buffalo range now! So, yep--there will be no donuts or taco soup today, I am going to have to defrost some chicken! 
Yep--time to face reality and make some healthy changes---nothing to dramatic but the occasional presence of something green and natural might help a bit! More later the shower beckons---Happy Sunday folks! 

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday Night Fever--Not!!!!

Hmm..... it is Saturday night and I am living the high life! Not!!! I am home sitting on the couch! Today was an interesting day--started off with a YUMMY Apple Fritter from the Donut Store off of Morganford (courtesy of Beth), not helping me get on a food plan but it sure tasted great! Then Beth and I went to the MPA (Microfinancing Partners of Africa) volunteer meeting--which was another positive! Sometimes when I go to these meetings I don't feel like I fit in, several of the volunteers are nuns and most of them are older than Beth and I so at the beginning of the meeting I was like--what am I doing here?  We started out with stretching and reflection! Inwardly I sighed at this point--stretching????  However--I really felt better after the stretching--sun salutations and the palm up and down stretching is better than I thought it would be! [Note to self---KEEP an open mind!!!!] and the reflection