
Has anyone lately said something unexpected, "You look good today! I appreciate you because....., You have inspired me, I am proud of you... etc, etc". These things are Verbal Hugs.... something a friend, family member or even a stranger randomly says to you that makes you smile, feel warm, comforted, happy, even at peace! Verbal Hugs are powerful! They can change how someone views their day! You can go from feeling like the world is out to get you... to being hopeful or at the very least optimistic!  So I ask you.... have you given someone or yourself a Verbal Hug today?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Zen Moment

picture by Beth Meirath

Today is Monday! Lots of interesting thoughts running amuck in my noggin this morning! Today is a day for change! Last week was tough--a lot of ruminating, depression was heavy and I didn't seem to have the where-with-all to combat it! But that was then--this is TODAY.

I could talk about yesterday--that church was uplifting-Pastor Betsy was amazing!  It was just what I needed to hear--my heart opened a little more towards God, I felt a greater sense of community--connected with something greater than myself! And that feels pretty great! 

I could talk about the fabulous breakfast and the great conversation Beth and I shared with Karen, Carol, Tracy and Adam and the Eleventh Hour Bar/Restaurant! 

I could talk about the amount of satisfaction Beth I got from completing 95% of the card project ( need more cardstock!) for MPA!

I could talk about playing DSi, searching different websites about making cards for sale, the Superbowl, I could even talk about the stupid Go-Daddy commercial--did you put any thought into it?  

 I could talk about all of the things I had listed as goals that I didn't do--taxes, dye hair, eat healthy.... ( I could feel guilty about it).

But, I wont (wink).  Today is today! 

Today is about change, it is true that I have many thinks that I would like to accomplish today! I may not get all of them done, but  I will get some of them done and tomorrow more will get done (and more will get added), and life will keep on expanding and changing, just as it should be.    Life if fluid, though my personality up to now has been more black and white, concrete and inflexible! However, I am changing...I am proud to say that I am truly not the person I was yesterday--I have changed, it might not be visible to the naked eye--but I have changed my experiences, my knowledge, my awareness is different than yesterday--because life happened--I will never be the person I was at 11:58 yesterday morning! A whole 22 hours has past since then!   So, today is today! I am making changes, I am happier, I am optimistic and hopeful!  I have accepted that there is someone out there greater than myself! This is the first step of a 12 step program. That he is always with me, helping, guiding, challenging me to discover my gifts, talents and purpose. To be loving, compassionate, grateful, a part of his community! Now--I have to accept and challenge myself to give over what I cannot do myself to his hands--the worry, guilt, fear, uncertainity of life, that things will work out! 

Today--for me is about finding a Zen Moment--that peace, warm, safe, relaxed feeling when the outside world moves away--and you find peace!

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