
Has anyone lately said something unexpected, "You look good today! I appreciate you because....., You have inspired me, I am proud of you... etc, etc". These things are Verbal Hugs.... something a friend, family member or even a stranger randomly says to you that makes you smile, feel warm, comforted, happy, even at peace! Verbal Hugs are powerful! They can change how someone views their day! You can go from feeling like the world is out to get you... to being hopeful or at the very least optimistic!  So I ask you.... have you given someone or yourself a Verbal Hug today?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Picture from: http://i317.photobucket.com/albums/mm379/tagx/cat/good-night/nighty-night-kitty.gif

Well, it is after nine and I have had a full day, I volunteered, blogged, went to Starbucks, Petsmart, Gamestop, surfed Craigslist (not a good idea) and read some!  I ordered something for my bud William (aka my Great-nephew) and them I found some 'interesting items' on Craigslist. I inquired about them --cross Fingers that one or two are available!  Lisa--if they come through they will go nicely with his toy Kitchen! (BIG SMILE!!!!)

I traded in a game at Gamestop for Press Your Luck, I am not sure how long I will keep it--but it was fun for now! It was just like when they had that game at the boat! I kept getting Whammies and lost! Beth played and got like 142,000 fake dollars--how does that happen! Hmm, I definitely need to listen to the Secret CD in the car some more I an not exuding the Positive vibes enough! 

Things I learned today:
1. If you go to Starbucks and get a generic coffee and you have a gift card (you can load it with like $5.00) you can get free internet and your refills on the coffee are free if you show your card (instead of .50 cents). I had a gift card courtesy of Beth, so I was very happy to find this tidbit out! It was sooo nice of the clerk to tell me that! The best part was the first time I went there I got a small cup of coffee! Well when the guy gave me my decaf refill he gave me the Venti sized cup! So, if you want to get out of your house for awhile....you can do what I did today--pop up to the Starbucks with the laptop, play online for a couple of hours and get a free refill or two! Yeah! 

2. Continuing my quest for free stuff, I typed in Free Stuff St Louis! I found this article on this lady who does a lot of Free Stuff surfing and puts it on her website! I got some free music downloads from Amazon! Check it out: 

Check it out!

Well I am going to try some of those coupons and then head to bed!


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