
Has anyone lately said something unexpected, "You look good today! I appreciate you because....., You have inspired me, I am proud of you... etc, etc". These things are Verbal Hugs.... something a friend, family member or even a stranger randomly says to you that makes you smile, feel warm, comforted, happy, even at peace! Verbal Hugs are powerful! They can change how someone views their day! You can go from feeling like the world is out to get you... to being hopeful or at the very least optimistic!  So I ask you.... have you given someone or yourself a Verbal Hug today?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Think Positive

Picture from: http://smallbizbee.com/index/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/think.jpg

Rough morning today--battling lots of thoughts and negative feeling! Focusing on Positive Thoughts........working through the negativ ones..........

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